Thursday, October 31, 2019

Reasons Why Free Trade Has a Negative Impact on a Country's Economy Research Paper

Reasons Why Free Trade Has a Negative Impact on a Country's Economy - Research Paper Example Sadly, their effort to make the country open to goods from other countries and the desire to lower tariffs on items sold by America in the market of other nations backfired big time on the U.S. economy. Rather than raising the standards of international manufacture and creating a most conducive international business market, the cheap products that flooded the market were of inferior quality and did nothing to help ease the high tariffs that was pegged onto U.S. goods by the other nations in the free trade zone. In effect, by opening up America to goods from other nations, most of which are imitation items that pass themselves off as Class A goods, the political and economic leaders of the country themselves helped crash the American economy. There are a number of reasons as to why the citizens of America may wish to buy foreign made goods. It could be that there is a demand for the item which is not manufactured in America. Or maybe the item cost is much lower if they purchase one t hat is not American made. Whatever the reason, a market exists for Americans who prefer to buy foreign made goods. ... The reason that the American economy has managed to survive all the years prior to the advent of free trade was really quite simple. The money was spent within American shores and thus helped move the economy along through taxes collected and the salary of the people working in the field of manufacture. The demand for goods and services actually spurred the economy by creating jobs and balancing both the local and national government budgets. But the U.S. is currently experiencing a massive trade imbalance that has resulted in a lop sided economy and has forced America to compete in a massive free trade scale. The competition is heating up and it seems like the United States is not equipped to compete at such a level. The country fails to compete because Americans have lost sight of what is truly important in a global economy, the survival of one's own economy. Instead, American corporations have resorted to off shore manufacturing in an effort to compete in the free trade market. Sa dly, a U.S. brand not made in the United States is a totally different item or level of service when compared with a U.S. brand created and maintained within the borders of the United States. American workers are considered a liability in today's free-trade market because of the high cost of labor that they demand. It is because of these over pampered work force that factories and support systems have been moved to countries where people can manage to survive on a dollar a day. It is more appealing to the owners of companies to pay slave labor wages rather than give in to the exorbitant cost of manufacturing goods and creating support systems for their company within the United States. (Snyder, Michael â€Å"55 Reasons Why

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Network Management and Systems Administration SLP Research Paper

Network Management and Systems Administration SLP - Research Paper Example This protocol is the de-facto protocol for retrieving mail from a mail server, due to its easy implementation, and simplicity of use, which does not hurt its strength, Ayelet et al (nd). 2. The secure networking protocols (Koren, 2011), which is very different in its presentation being a written article, it is informative but dull reading. Not such a good way to learn it is important to know about this, as without security on network protocols there is a good chance of hacking the system. But oh boy, it was boring in its presentation. 3. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) tutorial, (Kern, no date) is a series of web pages with written pieces on each page from an introduction to the writers, to in-depth work on SMTP including the animated demonstration. SMTP is very widely used as an e-mail protocol, the exchange of E-Mail using TCP/IP is performed by a message transfer agent (MTA). Users normally dont deal with the MTA. The system administrator is responsible to set up the local MTA. The SMTP protocol describes how two MTAs communicate with each other using a single TCP connection, Avraham et al (nd). The RAD University tutorials are very helpful; I chose the ones I felt I was curious to know more about. And certainly two of the tutorials on POP and SMTP did this. Not so sure about the one on network security by Dr. Koren. It felt old fashioned, I found it difficult to just read it and take in the information. Generally, there are variations in the tutorials some will appeal to certain types of person and not to others, they seem to be good quality and up to date. So mainly a good experience, and I have bookmarked RAD University for my future

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Political Economy Of Democratic Decentralization Politics Essay

The Political Economy Of Democratic Decentralization Politics Essay Decentralization involves the diffusion of powers, as the term itself suggests that it refers to the distribution or devolution of powers, other than the State holding all of the decision making powers, decision making is distributed among the regional and local levels. This refers to the idea of local self-government and also to the idea of democratization. Democracy, gives out the idea of participation and through decentralization such participation can be increased, since it provides not only the State making all the decisions but gives the people at the lower levels to make decisions as well. In India, the idea of decentralization came into force with the passing of the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, provisioning the establishment of the Panchayati Raj Institutions and the latter for the establishment of urban municipal bodies. In the book Decentralization: Institutions and Politics in Rural India, Satyajit Singh and Pradeep K. Sharma mention the two Constitutional Amendments are the starting point to the movement towards decentralization. Along with this they acknowledge that the villages in India are characterised by caste oppression, unequal distribution of power, resources and opportunities and others leading to poverty, they fail in providing what could be the best form that could accommodate these characteristics, since democratic functioning of any institution cannot function well without the participation of the whole; and exclusion based on these terms may not provide a good form of decentralised governance. Decentralization basically relates to the shifting of power away from the State, since both Manor, Singh and Sharmas book presents the corrupt nature of the state, which are involved in rent-seeking, both deal with the diffusion and devolution of powers as providing for the deepening of democracy and taking powers away from the State, instead in this book the importance of the State is emphasised and focused on the failure of the local governments, mentioning that the personnel in the local levels are less qualified, they lack access to the resources. Out of seventy-five developing countries, sixty-three have opted for decentralization, India which have adopted decentralization Singh and Sharma point out that the decentralization which requires political, fiscal and administrative autonomy are lacking or underdeveloped. The article Keralas Decentralization: the idea in practice by Rashmi Sharma, mentions the adoption of PPC Peoples Plan Campaign in Kerala devised to increase participation of the people in local governments in civic and development duties and responsibilities for revenue administration and number of regulatory functions. However she points out that decentralized bodies were weak organisations and that panchayats faced personnel problem with their limited qualification, departmental hierarchy still in charge. The different levels of the local government were not allowed to help each other out, like in Kerala the district panchayats which were better staffed were not allowed to help the gram panchayat at times when it could not do on its own. Thus she provides that cooperation is missing among the local governments. Keralas decentralization was mainly characterised by politics. Though it was the most successful State in terms of the decentralization process, it failed mostly in providing for a separation of politics and administration, failure to do this created blocks. Politics played an important part in minimising the role of the decentralised bodies. Rashmi Sharma mentions that the plan could not be materialised due to the political holding then, however the plan was considered to be meaningful with the help of voluntary organisations like the KSSP Kerala Shastra Sahitya Parishad. Decentralization involves State governments too, they still act as the key factor in facilitating decentralization. As already mentioned, decentralization does not work free of politics and so the inability of the local governments to cope with the politics, States role is always recognised. Therefore, leading us to say that some form of centralisation is necessary for decentralisation. 1 Singh and Sharma, as well as Manor while focussing on decentralization refers to a top-down process of political, administrative and fiscal governance, whereby there is diffusion of such powers to the lower level organisations. While Singh and Sharma presents the idea of decentralization as a tool for some specific purpose of the State. The example they cite is of Pakistan where military leaders threatened by resurgence of national and provincial level democracy and also Nepal in order to counter Maoists decentralization or distribution of powers to local levels were adopted. Where Manor mentions from a political economic perspective that decentralization stands for fiscal transfers from top-down, where top position holders have control over the transfers, therefore mentioning the State. So, they do not really see decentralization as a successful form of governance, but Manor also goes to the extent saying that decentralization is likely to fail. Decentralization is to work at three levels: National, State and the local level, and in each level the institutions are further tiered. Satyajit Singh mentions democratic decentralization is best said to work through active citizenry and not representative democracy, this he mentions at the beginning of the book with his reference to the Athenian form of democracy, but later he contradicts himself saying that a representative form of democracy is important as higher levels usually the State determines the framework of the local participation i.e. people at the local and the representatives at the State or national level, this shows that in spite of having a decentralised form of government still what seems to be important is the role of the state, this just shows that though via 73rd and 74th amendments, decentralization has been asserted in India, still the power of the state prevails which is a centralised entity. Though the centralised state has been hailed as important, and the corrupt nature of the state has been exposed still decentralisation lacks that ability to gain full confidence and power of decision making. As in Kerala, even in West Bengal, political parties have hold over most of the village level panchayats, the LF (Left Front) has about sixty to seventy percent of the seats in the village councils.2 In West Bengal. Participation was required and recorded regarding budgets, accounts and when it was not recorded it was considered illegal. Villagers participation brought down costs of public projects, even though peoples participation compared to Kerala was less. Maitreesh Ghatak and Maitreya Ghatak provides that though such participation empowers the public to participate in the formulation and implementation of plan, still there exists a risk of the officials at the low level of lacking the expertise and the qualification to do that. Relating to the allocation of funds, the lower tiers have no say in it, this is done by the State Governments or the bureaucracy. They also mention the problems associated with decentralization that is of the lack of coordination between village level panchayat plans and also the plan prepared by the state government bureaucracy. The arguments that are presented in Singh and Sharmas book as well as that of Manor is not really inclined towards the success of decentralization, they have however provided how even when decentralization is sought still no complete decentralization can be brought about, certain centralising tendencies do exist. As Singh had mentioned decentralization being a tool for controlling insurgencies etc, so does Merilee Grindle mention that decisions for decentralization were driven by a pre-existing interests to which leaders were beholden (Manor). Referring to the developing countries, centralization were more preferred even though it led to the rural disempowerment, the reason was that the developing countries were mainly the newly independent countries and so a centralised rule was needed to prevent internal diversity from fragmenting the new nations. The rulers held the idea of local governments or decentralization in low esteem, for them national consolidation through centralized leadership was their main emphasis. He cited various examples; one was of India, where post independence period there was a clash of the Gandhian idea of local level self sufficiency and then Nehruvian idea of centralised State, however the food shortages of that time led to the adoption of a centralised rule, therefore local level bodies were deemphasised. More than focussing on what the advantages of decentralization could be they all have emphasised the disadvantages, like Manor through his political economy perspective provides that democratic decentralization is an arena of free market, having buyers i.e. the citizens and the sellers- the centralised authority, saying that the local governments increases the expenditure of the government and also in a course of time leads to system failure. In case where there exists a lack of State funds, the tasks are simply off loaded with the hope that the local governments would deal with it, which at times lead to systems failure. Decentralization is seen to have an economic edge, some countries who are dependent on taxes paid by their domestic population, or who depend on a certain domestic source of fund like Oil, they do not accept decentralization, whereas Marxists provide that decentralization is seen by few to further their own economic interests, in order to cultivate political support for enhancing regime legitimacy. They all provide a very negative connotation to the idea of decentralization, adding to this Manor provides an idea of Cote dIvoire that decentralization is directed to draw up local groups into the system of governance to let the electors do some of the governments dirty work. 3 Decentralization is seen to promote political realism, and also a politically stable and a stronger state. In terms of developmental tasks, decentralised bodies Manor says is not really effective since with the increase in participation because of democratic decentralization, expectations and demands of the people also increase. In the latter part of Manors book The Political Economy of Democratic Decentralization, he provides various details about local governments and what it provides, however on the idea of empowerment and reservation; he mentions that women in developing countries have still not received the participatory role. However he fails to acknowledge that in India which is one of the developing countries have provided for empowerment of women via thirty-three per cent reservation. Regarding the poverty reduction rule, he mentions that the this task should be given to the higher levels, since they would be more enthusiastic about redistribution, however again fails to acknowledge that the higher levels refers to the government authorities, and if the main cause of decentralization is thought of, then it is because of these authorities only that decentralization was brought about, since these authorities engaged in rent seeking and other corrupt practices. As such if poverty reduction programmes and its funds were to be given to the higher levels, then the level of corruption would be higher. Decentralization which is expected to facilitate community participation in development is said to increase voting, contracting etc but participation and the reason Manor gives are: Firstly, the authorities that are created through decentralization stand above the local level, and so they would not really be able to mobilise the masses. Secondly, the government authorities who are really the ones at the top levels of such programs find it difficult to gain the trust of the community. Such decentralised authorities instead create divisions instead of facilitating communal solidarity. Therefore in explaining decentralization and the devolution of power to local government, Satyajit Singh has basically provided local governments as being a weak institution, and Manor has the same view. Singh has provided that by devolution of powers decision making is given to illiterate and inexperienced persons, and though it stands for diffusion of power still States hold important decision making powers, and corruption by the state officials still persists. Therefore Manor in his book has given various reasons as to why developing countries have preferred centralised regimes more than decentralised ones, and the decentralised ones have been branded as weak organisations, lacking skills and the personnel lacking education and qualification. Both Singh and Manor held a negative view of the local governments, more focussing on the failures and weakness of the institutions with their weakness enhanced by the political parties functioning and their hold over sixty to seventy percent of the seats in the local governments. Thus, they present a weak version of the decentralised form of governance.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Recycling to Preserve Our Environment Essay -- essays research papers

Many people assume that the environment is not in danger. They believe that as technology advances, we do not need to worry about renewing natural resources, recycling, and finding new ways to produce energy. They state that one person in the world does not make a large difference. In reality, each individual's contribution greatly affects our environment. Our natural resources are slowly disappearing, and we must work together to save them and the Earth from ruin. Recycling is important in the effort to preserve our environment for future generations. We are running out of locations to put landfills. Recycling is a simple and effective way to reduce the amount of waste stored in landfills, yet many people do not know how easy it can be. For example, whenever I go to Shoprite ® and I b...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

International Management and Ethics: Culture Dimensions

INTERCULTURAL MANAGEMENT & ETHICS ACTIV-1 ACTIVITY 1 – TOPIC 1: CULTURAL DIMENSIONS DIALOGUE 1 1) Which cultural differences cause the misunderstanding or confusion? Which cultural dimensions can help us understand the situation? On my understanding of the situation – bearing in mind that when in a multicultural dialogue, many meanings can be found or understood by just context without the use of words – I believe that the confusion has its origin by the cultural difference amongh both characters. The conversation lied on Mr. Bakr’shoulders although Mr.Amstrong tried to redirect it to the field that was occupying his mind but without success. Mr Bakr has the strongest part of the dialogue: having a flexible concept of time, paying more attention to social talks –business small talks in this specific case – , focusing to address the conversation to become more social and mentioning the religion makes Mr. Amstrong to have a conflict with his cu ltural dimensions. Mr Bakr coming from an arab culture through this dialogue shows to be polychronic, particularistic, control oriented and collectivist.The reality could be a little bit different from my own words here. We need also to bear in mind the context where this conversation is taking place, the circumstances and sometimes, even the mood of the interlocutors. Mr Amstrong really wants to skip the social talk to stick into business but should he knew that Mr Bakr’s culture gives more importance to social talk rambling would have accept it and take some more time on this to try to redirect the conversation to his key point afterwards. 2) How do you think that the people involved feel in regards to his / her partner?How would they interpret the other party’s answers? I think in this case Mr Amstrong may have felt a feeling of frustration as well as distressed since he can think that Mr Bakr has been rude to him for avoiding the topic he wanted to talk about it. M r Bakr may have not probably even noticed Mr Amstrong’s troubles otherwaise he could have done something change it during their conversation. However Mr Bakr could also feel upset for Mr Amstrong’s insistence on the distribution subject. So from a small thing could become a big misunderstanding and depending on the context this could be a very grave problem.Maite Molina Sabate MIBTM INTERCULTURAL MANAGEMENT & ETHICS ACTIV-1 3) What would be helpful to avoid misunderstandings? Why is Mr. Amstrong unsuccessful trying to get the conversation where he wanted? This may be due to that Amstrong’s and Bakr’s cultural dimensions were just opposite to each other’s and neither of them tried to understand each other’s different cultures and respect that it is necessary to adapt oneself to other’s at some stage and show respect. And this should have been done by both parts. In real life this is not happening as often as it should.Most situations a re resolved by one of the characters taking the lead and the other respecting the culture difference and filling the gap as better as possible showing respect. But before introducing ourselves in another culture context –either by a meeting, a business trip or any sort of communication with someone from abroad – we should need be more conscious about the possible cultural differences and learn a little bit about customs and facts from that other culture in order to understand better the person who we will communicate with and the communication we will be holding.DIALOGUE 2 1) Which cultural differences cause the misunderstanding or confusion? Which cultural dimensions can help us understand the situation? I don’t see any confusion or misunderstanding in this second dialogue but an understanding. However if a subliminal confusion or misunderstanding is flowing it might be for the situation itself. Carolina’s priority is her daughter’s illness and so taking her at the doctor’s appointment whilst Alice is thinking in setting up a time to hold a meeting.Fortunately this meeting can be reschuled so there’s not a big problem on this situation. Cultural dimensions that could bring this situation would be from Carolina: polycronic (her sense of times and priorities can be diverse from anglo’s Alice), particularistic (decisions can be made by subjective decisions like in this case), a little bit egalitarian (in this case there’s no hierarchical since the meeting will be moved for everybody due to Carolina’s personal reasons and this brings us to the individualist concept as well.For Alice could be as follows: Hierarchical, collectivist (she moves the meeting’s day to meet Carolina’schedule) and harmony oriented since she is willing to adapt her and the fellow colleagues to Carolina’s needs. 2) How do you think that the people involved feel in regards to his / her partner? How wou ld they interpret the other party’s answers? I believe that in this situation Alice may feel frustrated since she cannot help but moving the meeting to help Carolina’schedule. Very understandable and comprehensive by her side but leaving business hierarchy and control aside.If every employee would ask for a change that would be needed and finding a date for a single meeting could be a nightmare every time that the question would arise. So some organization should be on demand or company’s policy to try to organize this gap at Maite Molina Sabate MIBTM INTERCULTURAL MANAGEMENT & ETHICS ACTIV-1 the same time as supporting employees that need some sort of help with personal and professional lifes. Carolina can feel very relieved to have Alice’s acceptance and support for the situation and very valuable for the company since not just understand the situation but change the date so she can assist. ) What would be helpful to avoid misunderstandings? In this cas e a good communication and having an internal policy to follow that would organize this and support either the employees as well as managers. Good communication is important because Alice could knew about Carolina’s problem earlier and reschedule the meeting beforehand and not just the day before. Carolina should know that a company needs an organization a hierarchegy so if she needs some time off that should be regulated and everybody that should need to be informed beforehand. Maite Molina Sabate MIBTM

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nature valuable resources

RENEWABLE ENERGY IS AN EXPENSIVE DIVERSION FROM THE REAL TASK OF SECURING ENERGY SOURCES FOR THE COMING DECADES. DISCUSS.The technological promotion of the human existences enabled them to research and tackle nature ‘s valuable resources that finally led our civilisation far in front. Non renewable, particularly the dodo fuel velocity up the gait of development. But those resources, made in the geological timescale is about to be consumed within a century. Undoubtedly we need energy to force our life further and keep the gait of development ; this demand of energy compel us to happen out its options. The hunt of appropriate resources is traveling on, many people are recommending on behalf of renewable resources. Renewable energy such as solar, air current, hydro, moving ridge and bio fuel are seen as the alternate energy, nevertheless there are a scope of obstructions confronting the rapid development of these engineerings: they are seeking to set up themselves in an out-of-dat e institutional, market and industrial context. ( Elliot, D. , 2003 ) . Though these engineerings are recognised as options, none of them are free from restraints and inordinate publicity of these engineerings could impact the natural system. So it is indispensable to measure the benefits and menaces due to the application of these engineerings before their execution. The purpose of this essay is to happen out the causes behind the publicity of these energy beginnings, their restriction and impact on single footing to happen out why and how the recreation towards these energy beginnings can be expensive and to propose the better manner to conserve energy for future.Causes behind the publicity of Renewable Energy BeginningsAssorted factors are responsible for the publicity of renewable energy beginnings. The on-going concern of clime alteration and imposed compulsory rigorous dockets to get the better of it, consuming modesty of fossil fuel and the issue of energy security for the states are found to be the major causes behind it ( OECS/IEA 2008 ) . In re cent old ages, these beginnings are used to supply energy for the rural or stray communities excessively ( ITDG, 2000 ) and even to supplement the of all time increasing demand of energy. The concern over the green house gas emanation is one of the major grounds, if no alterations are made on the bing state of affairs, concentrations of CO2 could increase to every bit much as 630ppm by 2050 and 1,200ppm by the terminal of the century ( OECS/IEA 2008 ) . Many scientific surveies suggest that the net concentration of nursery gas beyond 450 ppm CO2 equivalent for good may take to a series of micro climatic displacement and put up a ego prolonging rhythm of rapid planetary heating ( Deutche Bank, 2008 ) . So this dismaying state of affairs demands for the options of this green house gas emitter and the publicity of renewable beginnings are being done to forestall it. An estimated $ 71billion was invested in new renewable energy except big hydropower worldwide in the twelvemonth 2007, up from $ 55billion in the twelvemonth 2006 and $ 40 billion, this addition was chiefly due to solar PV and weave energy ( REN21, 2007 ) . The graph below reveals the to a great extent increasing tendency of investing on renewable sectors.Causes of energy demand:The usage of energy is influenced by the population and economic growing. The increased population demands more energy where as economic prosperity multiplies the demand several creases. United States of America consists of 5 % of planetary population where as consumes 25 % of the planetary oil production ( Alliance to energy nest eggs, 2005 ) . In recent old ages extremely come oning states are devouring more energy. A survey shows that in the Hangzhou metropolis of China, along with the economic development, urbanisation and betterment in peoples populating status, the residential energy ingestion risen dra matically, it was increased by 93.75 % while the population growing was merely 9.22 % from the twelvemonth 2001 to 2006 ( Ouyang, J.,2009 ) . The increasing multitudes of turning in-between category in the development states are turning into energy rapacious and the states are despairing to acquire energy for their quickly turning economic system. Along with the population and economic growing, the inefficient substructure and machines besides increase the usage of energy. For illustration, the ill insulated house needs more energy for infinite warming whereas the inefficient engines use more energy even for the little end product ( Ouyang, J. , 2009 ) . Harmonizing to OECD/IEA, 2009, non OECD states account for the 93 % of planetary energy demand between 2007 to 2030, driven mostly by China and India.Restriction of Renewable Energy:Renewable energy chiefly solar, air current, hydro, wave, bio fuel and geo thermal are emerging as the new beginnings of energy but all of them have their ain restriction and the inordinate usage or extraction could take to another job. Here each of them are discussed on single footing.Solar Energy:The sunshine can be converted into energy, frequently photo Gurs cells are used to hive away energy. It is chiefly used for the intent of H2O warming and little graduated table power coevals. But it uses much infinite and produces comparatively less energy. Though there is no or really less fuelling and care cost, the initial cost is comparatively high. ( Singh, P, P and Singh, S, 2010 ) Enough sunlight hours are required for this intent and bad conditions and cloudy status can impede the entire end product ( C hen, H. , 2010 ) . Policy support from authorities, invention of new engineering and available market is indispensable to set up this energy in market, this type of energy publicity needs authorities subsidy and that indirectly increases the entire cost involved ( Reddy, S and Painuly, J, P,2004 ) . Beside the upfront initial cost there may be other cost such as to clean its by merchandise. In instance of solar energy it can be the cost to clean up the toxic chemicals like arsenous anhydride, Ga and Cd and the energy demand during the industry of immense graduated table photovoltaic panels ( Tsoutsos, T, et. Al. 2005 ) . Distinct environmental effects during the installing stage of solar panels can be seen as it requires big land multitudes of approximately 5 to 10 estates /MW of installed capacity. Huge array of stacked mirrors might do ocular blight and shadowing from the solar cells could impact the micro clime. ( Bradlely, R, L. , 1997 ) . Harmonizing to DuHamal, J, 2009, the Cato study says, A 1978 survey found that the stuffs required for thermal-solar undertakings were 1,000 times greater than for a likewise sized fossil-fuel installation, making significant incremental energy ingestion and industrial pollution. Energy ingestion associated with the large-scale industry of photovoltaic panels. So all these factors proves that beside the initial upfront cost there are other indirect costs those makes these beginnings rather expensive.Wind Energy:Wind is seen as another major beginning of alternate energy. But it has restriction, as all the topographic points are non suited for energy production. Wind power has low fringy cost and high proportion of capital cost ( Rosenbloom, E,2006 ) . The complexness of site and the likeliness of utmost burden find the building cost of air current farm. Difficult ground status like difficult stones, bog and really blowy site with high extreme tonss result in expensive civil building and higher specification of turbines. Additionally the cost of grid connexion is frequently affected by the distance of production and usage. The mean cost of air current energy per unit of production depends on cardinal premises, such as the cost of capital and old ages of false service. ( http: // ) Despite decennaries of broad subsidies, nevertheless, the cost of bring forthing electricity from air current remains pig-headedly wasteful in an progressively competitory electricity market. Many taking wind-power suppliers have encountered fiscal trouble, and capacity retirements appear every bit likely as new undertakings in the United States without major new authorities subsidy. ( Bradlely, R, L. , 1997 ) . On the environmental side, air current power is noisy, land- intensive, materials-intensive ( concrete and steel, in peculiar ) , a ocular blight, and a jeopardy to birds. ( Bradlely, R, L. , 1997 ) To get the better of those impacts and to relocate or conserve different species of birds besides needs money. So the upfront cost and such ecological job together makes it further expensive. The inter- and intra-annual variableness of the air current resource, or alter other facets of the external conditions for air current developments. It is likely that as in other constituents of clime alteration there will be ‘winners ‘ and ‘losers ‘ parts where air current energy developments may profit from clime alteration, and parts where the air current energy industry may be negatively impacted. ( Pryor, S.C. , and R.J. Barthelmie, R.J, 2010 ) . If the air current form alterations in the country of established air current farm due to climate alteration, it will non be possible to bring forth electricity and the big investing becomes worthless. Harmonizing to DuHamal, J. 2009, Denmark, the universe ‘s most wind-intensive state, with more than 6,000 turbines bring forthing 19 % of its electricity, has yet to shut a individual fossil-fuel works, so this illustration shows that it is an expensive and small end product giving procedure alternatively of big capital outgo. In Germany, Der Spiegel studies that ‘Germany ‘s CO2 emanation has n't been reduced by even a individual gm ( by constructing air current turbines ) and extra coal and gas fired workss have been constructed to guarantee dependable bringing ( Waldermann, A.,2009 ) .This illustration proves that alternatively of big outgo still they can non be proved as a beginning of dependable supply of energy.Hydro Power:Hydropower is the major renewable energy beginning. Large scale hydropower is frequently economically attractive but requires immense amount of capital. ( McCully, P and Wong, S, 2004 ) . Small and micro hydro power are emerging as new beginning of energy, but these are the scattered beginnings and requires big amount of money to link with the state ‘s chief grid. So either it needs to be consumed locally or necessitate immense outgo to link it to the chief grid. The environmental effects caused by a hydroelectric system can be extended. However, the extent differs from one undertaking to another. A reservoir-based hydroelectric system can do a figure of alterations to the ecosystem, including stratification, ace impregnation, altering H2O degrees, and deposit ( McCully, P and Wong, S, 2004 ) . The greatest impacts of hydroelectric undertakings are found in fish populations and, more specifically, pink-orange populations. A recent survey released by the World Commission on Dams, nevertheless, found that some hydroelectric systems release more nursery gases into the ambiance than make coal-burning power coevals. Disintegrating flora trapped in dead H2O produces methane, which is 20 times more powerful as a nursery gas than C dioxide ( Anderson, H, 2001 ) . The big hydro power undertaking displaces huge country of human colony and that their resettlement cost immense sum of money.Wave And Tidal Energy:Energy can be generated by utilizing the se a moving ridge or sea tides. A critical portion of this exercising is to corroborate that the degrees of energy in the sea waves around the seashore are of sufficient magnitude to do wave power echt rival as an alternate beginning of power. Wave energy produces useable electricity from the kinetic energy of ocean. But there may happen ecological and socio-economic challenges. Impacts on piscaries, marine transit, and some recreational activity and ecological branching could be expected ( COPC, 2008 ) . Those commercial activities like piscaries and marine transit could ensue economic loss thereby straight set uping people support. Frequently ecological issues emerge as major concern before or during the building of these types of undertakings. And the declaration of such issues could be either the closing of the undertaking or expensive alternate agreement. In Korea, the ambitious undertaking of building of a Tidal Power Plant at Garolim bay came under immense argument because of the possible environmental and ecological harm, decrease in the tidal flat, debasement of saltwater quality that might do and be to retrieve the harm ( Lee, J, S and Hoonyoo, S,2009 ) . Such an illustration shows that these kinds of engineerings though seems renewable and less fouling but the cost involve in the extenuation for the indirect harm could do it much more expensive.Bio Power:Bio power is either generated by the burning of biomass or liquids derived from the works stuffs can be used for the replacing of fossil fuel. Bio-ethanol, an intoxicant can be made by fermenting the sugar constituents of the workss stuffs and is made largely from sugar and amylum harvests, where as bio Diesel can be made from vegetable oil, animate being fat or recycled lubricating oil ( Guru, M. 2010 ) . The first coevals bio fuel implies intensive agricultural patterns ( e.g. the high application of fertiliser and pesticides ) ( Russi, 2008 ) progressively it besides suggests that there will be competition for land usage and natural land ( forest and grassland ) , may hence be converted into cultivable land ; it may besides vie with nutrient production, which causes increasing nutrient monetary values that will chiefly harm those on low or subsistence incomes. Large-scale energy agriculture could be damaging both in footings of land usage and the chemicals necessary to bring forth harvests. Though these produce less pollutants than fossil fuel, the demand of huge country shorten the land for nutrient production ( IEA, 2009 ) Harmonizing to REN 2007, developing states as a group have more than 40 per centum of bing renewable power capacity, more than 70 per centum of bing solar hot H2O capacity, and 45 per centum of bio fuels production. But most of these states are fighting to feed their people and unable to afford the initial upfront cost for these energies. Although biomass is a renewable resource, much of it is presently used in ways that are neither renewable nor sustainable. In many parts of the universe, firewood is in progressively short supply as turning populations convert woods to agricultural lands and the staying trees are burned as fuel. As a consequence of hapless agricultural patterns, dirts in the U.S. Corn Belts are being eroded 18 times faster than they are being formed. ( Bradlely, R, L. , 1997 ) . So if the part of biomass to the universe energy economic system is to turn, technological inventions will be needed, so that biomass can be converted to useable energy in ways that are more efficient, less polluting, and at least every bit economical as today ‘s practices.With the exclusion of bioethanol from Brazil, production costs of bio fuels are typically much higher than those of fossil fuels ( Thielmann, S, 2008 ) , this state of affairs makes it less executable economically. An survey done by Russi, D,2008, in Italy showed that the little benefits from the bio fuel would non be plenty to countervail the immense costs in footings of land demand: if the mark of the European Directive 2003/30/EC were reached ( 5.75 % of the energy used for conveyance by 2010 ) the equivalent of about tierce of the Italian agricultural land would be needed.Geo Thermal Energy:Geothermal supplies more than 10,000 MW to 24 states world-wide and now produces adequate electricity to run into the demand of 60 million people ( Jonathan, D, 2008 ) . Iceland is widely considered the success narrative for this energy, this state is to the full powered by renewable energy with 17 % of electricity and 87 % of warming demands is provided by this energy. ( Blodgett, L. and Slack, K. , 2009 ) Despite of these successes, this energy beginning is limited to some location of the Earth merely and it is non ever found economical and is unable to give end product as predicted antecedently. Production had fallen far short of projections made in the 1980sand even worsening because of the fickle end product from the figure of California belongingss and nationally, geothermic end product in 1995 was 14 per centum below 1994, a bead of 2.4 million kWh ( Blodgett, L. and Slack, K. , 2009 ) . They farther mentioned that geothermal has turned out to be â€Å"depletable, † with limited capacity, falling end product, and modest new investingWhat could be the solution?There can non be a individual solution for this job. As the dodo fuel is consuming, it is indispensable to seek for another beginning for its replacing. It is non possible to trust wholly on a individual beginning of energy. Mixing of energy beginnings and debut of energy efficient engineering could assist a batch to get the better of this crisis.Mix of energy beginningsAll the energy types can non be available everyplace, solar energy requires adequate solar radiation hours, wind energy demands adequate wind speed and land, geothermic energy is confined on really few location of the Earth, moving ridge and tidal energy demand suited coastal country, bio fuel demands for immense land area of land. So it is indispensable to blend up these renewable energies with the conventional 1. Countries with adequate coastal country should underscore on air current, wave or tidal energy and blend up this energy with the conventional 1. The states which are rich on peculiar types of energy beginnings should advance that energy beginning. Though inordinate publicity of a individual type of energy beginning could be counterproductive. Excessive edifice of air current farm could impact on avian motion and even ensue the decease and monolithic graduated table air current farm can change or divert the air motion. Source Promotion of immense graduated table of bio- fuel can alter the natural ecosystem and the full cropping form taking to mass scale famishment. The economic and societal impact that cause may overweighs the benefit of bio fuel. Blending up of these renewable beginnings with conventional one, in fact, lengthen the life of dodo fuel where as supply more clip for the development of cheap and efficient more alternate beginnings of energies therefore procuring energy for future.Energy efficiencyEnergy demand is the effect of population growing and rapid development aided by inefficient usage of energy. Quickly turning in-between category prosperity is further striving the already overstretched energy substructure. Huge scope of electronics and vehicles are now within the budget of new emerging in-between category of developing universe, those are increasing the energy demand in that country. Not all the vehicles and electronics are good energy efficient, the less efficient these mer chandises farther spoil the energy usage. Change in consumer behavior could be another of import facet in this respect. For illustration, alternatively of promoting people to purchase their ain vehicles, policy should promote utilizing public transit and for that it is indispensable to do the public transit efficient. Alternatively of doing capital intensive immense undertaking to bring forth energy, authorities should advance energy efficient engineering. The increased income and altering life manner is found as one of the of import implicit in causes of energy demand. The illustration of Hangzhou metropolis of China shows how the energy demands additions with economic prosperity, but it was non merely due to the economic betterment. Actually the state of affairs was farther worsen by the hapless thermic quality of the old bing edifice ( Ouyang, J, 2009 ) and that survey suggested to the redevelopment of bing old edifice for energy economy and less CO2 emanation of the metropolis. Improvement in bing old edifices and building of new high acting edifices and houses are critical. In United States, the residential and commercial edifices together consumes 39 % of the primary energy that state consumes and 70 % of the electricity ( NERL, 2005 ) . High acting edifices are designed to supply superior degrees of indoor comfort and buoy uping while devouring important less energy than those run intoing minimal criterions for energy efficiency. In add-on these edifices incorporate energy- bring forthing engineerings such as photovoltaic ( PV ) solar electric system. Harmonizing to NREL, 2005, mid- term option such as cellulose based ethyl alcohol and stopper in intercrossed electric vehicles are engineerings in the ulterior phase of development, but they are still excessively expensive to vie in the market place. Though the engineering can turn low value works stuffs, such as maize chaffs, saw dust, waste paper and fast turning trees and grasses into ethyl alcohol and other valuable fuels and chemicals and could assist to cut down dependence on fossil fuel and nursery gas emanation but it is still excessively expensive ( NREL, 2005 ) and merely the publicity of such engineering can non assist ordinary people. A survey done by Michael, A, et. al. , in 2009 on Potential benefits from improved energy efficiency of cardinal electrical merchandises ( family iceboxs, window air conditioners, motors and distribution transformers ) estimate that betterments to the four merchandises studied could cut down electricity ingestion in India by 54 TWh, or about 4.3 % of entire electricity demand in that twelvemonth. This is an of import consequence in itself, and suggests that several times this economy is accomplishable sing all merchandises. This survey proves that energy efficient engineering helps to procure energy for future in existent sense.DecisionThe development of scientific innovations changed the human civilization to greater extent. Discovery of fossil fuel and development of vehicles and industries together catalysed the procedure of development. But the inordinate and inefficient usage of these fixed stocks are now consuming quickly coercing us to happen out the option, beside this, the c oncern over the green house gas emanation is farther obliging us to deviate from the dodo fuel. Increasing population, particularly the turning in-between category of developing states are famished to energy as they are now able to afford most of the energy intensive engineerings. The inefficiency of those engineerings has farther additions the demand of energy. The quickly depleting beginnings of dodo fuel and environmental concern has diverted towards the renewable beginnings of energy, but most of them need upfront capital and more or less makes environmental harm and that increases the entire cost of the undertaking doing it further expensive. Assorted undertakings on renewable energy are unable to bring forth the adequate energy, sometimes non even the jutting one doing it undependable beginnings of energy. So it can non be possible to trust on merely one type of resource. Energy commixture, i.e. commixture of conventional and renewable could assist to give the best consequence, increasing the life of fossil fuel stock to some extent and leting clip to develop energy efficient renewable engineerings. Introduction of energy friendly engineerings in industries, concern, transit and family could significantly conserve the energy. Simply the recreation towards renewable energies becomes extremely expensive and merely the usage of dodo fuel could heighten planetary heating, so in my position it is much more indispensable to blend up these energies to do it low-cost and chair the cost of energy.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Private statistical database The WritePass Journal

Private statistical database Abstract Private statistical database Abstract1. Introduction  2. Body2.1. Definition of statistical databases 2.2. Privacy in statistical databases2.3. Methods for providing private statistical databases2.3.1 Perturbation methods2.3.1.1 Input perturbation2.3.1.2 Output perturbation 2.3.2 Query restriction method Query set size control method2.3.2.2 Query set overlap method2.3.2.3 Auditing2.3.2.4 Partitioning2.3.2.5 Cell suppression2.3.3 Differential privacy3. Conclusion References Related Abstract As the statistical databases consist of important and sensitive information, the preservation of the privacy in these databases is of extremely significance. Despite the complexity of the statistical databases’ protection, there are diverse sorts of mechanisms which can keep out the confidential data. This report discusses methods as data perturbations, query restriction methods and differential privacy which provide privacy in the statistical databases. Keywords: statistical databases, privacy, input perturbation, output perturbation, differential privacy. 1. Introduction Nowadays, there is a wide-spread access to data. Having a lot of advantages to omnipresent access of information, there is also the possibility to break the privacy of individuals. In the statistical databases, personal data with very large number of individuals is stored. The statistical databases contain multiple statistical information. They give to their users the ability to acquire this information and also to protect the privacy of individuals. However, supporting security in the statistical databases against the revealing of confidential data is complicated and ambitious task. This problem of privacy in the statistical databases has expanded in the recent years. This report will examine the main methods for providing privacy in the statistical databases.   2. Body 2.1. Definition of statistical databases A statistical database is a set of data units which has permissive access to the statistical information connected to these data parts. The statistical database could be described as a database system which allows to its users to obtain only aggregate statistics for a subset of items introduced in the database [1]. The statistical database posses limited querying interface which is restricted to operations such as sum, count, mean, etc. The statistical database also could be defined as query responsive algorithm which permits the users to access the content of the database through statistical queries [2]. The statistical database is concerned with the multidimensional datasets and is related to the statistical summarizations of the data sets’ dimensions. The statistical database is mainly oriented to socio-economic databases which are normally the field of statisticians. An example of statistical database is the census data which is linked to collection of information about the assessment of the population trends. Another example of statistical database is the economic database which includes statistics for the industries’ sales and income or statistics for the use and production of diverse products [3]. 2.2. Privacy in statistical databases The privacy can be described as the right to specify what type of information about individuals or items is allowed to be shared with others. The benefits from analyzing the statistical database are very significant but the release of the information from this database could cause a lot of problems, troubles and damages. Thus, one of the main aims of the statistical database is to ensure privacy of the information. To be an effective statistical database, it should protect all its records [4]. As the statistical database should provide statistical information, it should not disclose private information on the items or individuals it refers to. The releasing of a statistical data may offend the privacy rights of the individuals. Therefore, the statistical database should follow some ethical and legal behavior to defend the individuals’ records. For legal, ethical and professional grounds, the users of the statistical database are not authorized to receive special information on individual records.   The statistical database should protect the sensitive information allowing its users to get aggregate information. The restricted access should be permitted either from the point of view of the groups of people to whom this information is available or from the point of view of the certain aspects of this information. However, it is possible sometimes when statistics are correlated, the sensitive information to be inferred. If a combination of aggregate queries is used to obtain information, we say that the information in the database is compromised and therefore the database is also compromised [5]. The main duty for the privacy of statistical database is to find appropriate methods which could ensure that no queries are sufficient to infer the values of the protected records. 2.3. Methods for providing private statistical databases The following methods and techniques are used to secure the privacy in statistical databases. 2.3.1 Perturbation methods There are two main perturbation methods for preserving privacy in statistical databases. The first one is the input perturbation where the primary data is randomly modified and the results are calculated based on this modified data. The second perturbation method is the output perturbation which computes the results from the queries exactly from the actual data [6]. In other words, the input perturbation is detected when the records are computed on the queries while the output perturbation is applied to the query result after computing it on the original data. The perturbation methods look for accomplishment of the masking of item or individual’s confidential information while trying to maintain the basic aggregate relationships of the statistical database. One of the main aims of these methods is to ‘conceal’ particular confidential record. It is also necessary to notice that the perturbation techniques are not encryption techniques which first modify the data, t hen usually send it, receive it and finally decrypt it to the original data. The primary difficulty of these methods is to assure that the introduced error is within the satisfactory limits. There is an exchange between the level of protection that could be attained and the variance of the presented perturbation. Input perturbation The fundamental idea behind this method is that the result which is returned by the queries is based on a perturbed data. This means that the primary data in the statistical database is not used to create query results. One side that is necessary to be taken into account is the duplicated database. This database, which is used to turn back to results, must maintain the similar statistical characteristics as the original database. This technique introduces random noise to the confidential information and thus protects the data. Adding statistical noise in the database makes the input perturbation an important method in the enhancement of the privacy. The original database is generally changed into modified or perturbed statistical database which is afterwards accessible to the users. The input perturbation permits the users to access the necessary aggregate statistical information from the whole database when it makes changes to the original data. Therefore this process helps to protect the records [7]. The records of the database contain values that are variations of their adequate values in the true database. As a whole this method tries to minimize the severe bias in the query results by allocating the corresponding bias in the data so that it could cancel out in the huge query sets. In the input perturbation, the data is perturbed for instance via swapping attributes or adding the random noise before this data releases the whole statistical database. There are two well-known subcategories in the input perturbation. The probability distribution interprets the statistical database as a sample from a given data that has a certain probability distribution [1]. The main purpose is to transform the primary statistical database with a different sample which is from the same probability distribution. This input perturbation creates a substitute database from the original one. This method is also called data swapping.   The second subcategory is the fixed – data perturbation where the values of the records in the statistical database are perturbed only once and for all the records. Since the perturbation process is done only once, the repeated queries have consistent and logical values. This perturbation also constructs an alternative database as the probability distribution. This alternative database is created by changing the value of every record by a randomly produced perturbation value. The fixed – data perturbation could be applied to both numerical and categorical data. Output perturbation The output perturbation differs notably from the input perturbation. In the input perturbation, the data is specified by all statistical features of the database. As longs as in the output perturbation, the perturbed results are directly introduced to the users [8]. Another difference is that in the output perturbation, the problem with the bias is not as harsh as in the input perturbation. This is because the queries are based on the original values but not on the perturbed ones. The output perturbation method is based on calculation of the queries’ responses on the statistical databases. This method adds the variance to the result. The result is produced on the original database however the noise is added to the result before to return it to the users. As the noise is not added to the database, this method generates results that include less bias that the input perturbation. It is necessary to note that if the noise is random then this noise could be reduced by performing th e same query over and over again.   Some limitations exist. For example if there is very large number of queries to the statistical database, the amount of the noise added to the results should be also very large [9]. The output perturbation has pretty low storage and computational overhead [10]. This method is rather easy to carry out because it does not influence the query process. The output perturbation consists of different approaches as random sample queries, varying output perturbation and rounding. The random sample queries technique shows a technique where a sample is created from the query set itself. The random sample queries method denies the intruder accurate control which covers the queries records [11]. One drawback of this method is that it could not ensure enough certainty for users to prevent the confidential data. However, the random sample queries may present precise statistics for number of records. The USA Census Bureau for example mainly works with this technique to restrict the inference in their statistics records. Every reported query is founded upon a gratuitously chosen subpopulation of the query set. The USA Census Bureau is satisfied with this method and applies it very successfully in its activity. The second approach of the output perturbation is the varying – output perturbation [1]. This method is suitable for the SUM, CO UNT and PERCENTILE queries. The varying – output perturbation presents a varying perturbation to the data where random variables are used to calculate the answer to a variant of a given query. The last approach of output perturbation is the rounding where all queries are computed based on unbiased data. Afterwards the results are transformed before they are returned to the users. There are three types of rounding – systematic rounding, random rounding and controlled rounding [1]. It is advisable to combine the rounding method with methods to provide more privacy in the statistical database. 2.3.2 Query restriction method The main idea of this method is even if the user does not want to receive deterministically right answers, these answers should be exact, for example numbers. As these answers to queries give the users forceful information, it might be important to deny the answers of some queries at certain stage to prevent the disclosure of a confidential data from the statistical database. The type or the number of queries that a user puts to the statistical database is restricted. This method discards a query which can be compromised. Nevertheless, the answers in the query restrictions are always precise. It could be concluded that the restricted group of the accepted queries considerably reduces the real usefulness of the statistical database. This method provides a protection for the statistical database by limiting the size of the query set, by controlling the overlap among the consecutive queries, by maintaining audit of any answered queries for every user and by making the small-sized cells inaccessible to users of the statistical database. There are five subcategories of the query restriction method – query set size control, query set overlap control, auditing, partitioning and cell suppression [1]. Query set size control method The query set size based method declines the answers to queries which have an influence on a small set of records. Fellegi [12] sets lower and upper limits for the size of the query answer which are based on the characteristics of the database. If the number of the returned records is not within these two limits, the request for the information could not be accepted and therefore the query answer may be denied. The query set size control method can be explained by the following equation [12]:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  K ≠¤Ã‚   |C|   ≠¤Ã‚   L – K,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (1) where K is a parameter set by the database administrator, |C| is the size of the query set and L is the number of the entities in the database. The parameter K must satisfy the condition [12]:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   0 ≠¤   K   ≠¤Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (2) The main advantage of this method is its easy implementation. However, its robustness is low so it is advisable to use it in a combination with other methods. Query set overlap method The query set overlap method permits only queries which have small overlap with formerly answered queries. Thus, the method controls the overlap over the queries. The lowest overlap control restrains the queries responses which have more than the predetermined number of records in common with every previous query [3]. This surveillance is valuable in the defense against  Ã‚   the trackers as a compromise tool. In spite is all, this method has some drawbacks [13]. This query set overlap control is not enough effective when several users together try to compromise the statistical database. As well as the statistics for both a set and its subset are hard released which limits the efficiency of the database. Auditing The third subcategory of the query restriction method is the auditing. It requires the maintenance of up-to-date logs of all queries which are made by every user. It also requires a continuous check-up for potential disclosure whenever a new query is published. One main advantage of this method is that it permits the statistical database to support the users with unperturbed data and ensure that the response will not be compromised. A disadvantage of the auditing method is its excessive CPU and the requirements for the storage and processing of the collected logs [1]. Partitioning The partitioning method groups the individual entities of a population in a number of reciprocally excessive subsets, known as atomic populations. Therefore, the records are stored in groups which consist of predetermined number of records [4]. A query is permitted only to the entire groups, but not to a subset of a group. The statistical features of these atomic populations form the raw materials which are attainable to the database users. While the atomic populations include exactly one individual entity, a high level of protection can be achieved. A research, taken by Schlà ¶rer, found that there is an emergence of the large number of atomic populations with only one entity. The result of this will be a considerable information loss when these populations are clustered. One major drawback of this method is the retrieved value of the statistical information. When the database is partitioned, the statistical data is toughly obscured. This restricts the flow of potential wanted stat istical information by the users. In reality, the users may not have the chance to acquire the desired information. Cell suppression The cell suppression method is frequently used by the census bureau for information which is published in tabular form. This technique protects the tabular data from a compromise. The main idea is to conceal the cells that can lead to a disclosure of a confidential data. In this way, the cell suppression minimizes the suppressed cells with private information. These cells are called primary suppressions. The other cells with non confidential data, which may be a threat and lead to a disclosure, should also be suppressed. These cells with non private information are called complementary suppressions. These complementary suppressions provide a pre-defined level of protection to the primary cells. 2.3.3 Differential privacy As Dalenims (1977) points out that an access to a statistical database should not be allowed to a user to acquire information about an individual’s record which cannot be found out without the access of the database. This form of privacy is difficult to be achieved because of the auxiliary information. The auxiliary information is information which is available to the adversary without an access to the statistical database [14].   For example, let presume that one’s exact weight is considered as highly sensitive information and revealing this information is regarded as a privacy break. Next, it is assumed that the database provides the average weights of people of different nationalities. An adversary of the statistical database who has an access to the auxiliary information, that a particular British person is 10 kilogram thinner than the average French person, can learn the British person’s weight, as long as anyone gaining only the auxiliary information with out having an access to the average weights, learns not much [15]. This leads to the application of the concept of differential privacy. In spite of the fact that the differential privacy does not exclude a bad disclosure, it ensures the individual that his or her data will not be included in the database that produces it. The differential privacy is defined as one of the successful methods of providing privacy for the statistical databases.   The basic description of the differential privacy is that it is focused on providing ways to increase the accuracy of the queries from the statistical database while trying to minimize the chances of recognizing its records. The differential privacy is a randomized algorithm which accepts the database as input and generates an output [15]. A more precise definition of this method is the following formulation: A randomized function K that gives Ï µ-differential privacy if for the databases D1 and D2, which only differ on at most one element and all S⊆ Range (K), Pr [K (D1) ∈ S] ≠¤ exp (Ï µ) x Pr [K (D2) ∈ S]  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (3) When this function K satisfies the above definition, it can ensure an individual that though this individual removes his or her data from the database, the outputs cannot become indicatively more or less acceptable. The differential privacy strives to guarantee an adjustment to the statistical disclosure control’s problem. The differential privacy aims to publicly let out statistical information relating to a set of individuals without allowing a compromise for privacy.   This method demands that there is an inherently the same probability distribution on the produced results. This probability distribution should be independent of whether each individual chooses or not the data set [16].   This process is done indirectly as at the same time it addresses all potential forms of harm and good by concentrating upon the probability of every given output of a privacy method and upon the ways for changes of the probability when any row is added or deleted from the database. The statistical database is usually developed to reach social goals and the expanded participation in the database allows more precise analysis. Therefore, the differential privacy assures the support for the social goals by guaranteeing every individual that there is a quite little risk by connecting to the statistical database. The differential privacy has some advantages. Firstly, this privacy preserving method is independent of any extra and auxiliary information including also other databases which are available to the adversaries. Secondly, the differential privacy is easily implemented through the using of rather sample and general techniques. The last advantage is that the differential privacy usually permits very accurate analysis. 3. Conclusion To conclude, the statistical database provides to users statistical information for values which are based on various criteria. The field of the statistical database is highly important because it encompasses a broad variety of application areas which in principle deal with great amount of data. This statistical database may consist of confidential data which should be protected from unauthorized user access. It is very important to provide a precise statistical database with professional, legal and ethical responsibilities for privacy protection of the individual records. Providing security in the statistical database proves to be a complicated task. There is no single solution to this problem. Therefore, numerous methods and techniques are suggested to be used to ensure privacy in the statistical database. The analysis presented in the report shows that the perturbation methods, the query restriction methods and the differential privacy are clearly among the most promising methods for the private statistical database. References 1.   N. Adam and J. Wortmann, Security – control Methods for Statistical Databases: A comprehensive Study. ACM Computing Surveys.   21 (1989). 2.   I. Dinur and K Nissim, Revealing Information while Preserving Privacy – In proceeding of twenty-second. ACM SIGMOD – SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principle of Database Systems. (2003) p. 202-210. 3. A. 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Monday, October 21, 2019

How far does Mary Shelley portray Frankensteins creation as human Essays

How far does Mary Shelley portray Frankensteins creation as human Essays How far does Mary Shelley portray Frankensteins creation as human Essay How far does Mary Shelley portray Frankensteins creation as human Essay Essay Topic: Frankenstein Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley in 1831 when she was only eighteen. Frankenstein is a gothic horror story and was written to entertain and scare the readers of the time. People in the 1800s were very religious, they believed in heaven and hell and more importantly angels and demons. Frankenstein concentrates on the making of man, and gives reason to believe that human beings can be created through scientific experiments. This was thought to be blasphemy in the 1800s, as it is playing the role of God, which was ethically wrong. However, in todays society, such a scientific experiment would make people curious and people would probably encourage the idea of scientists creating human life. The novel is written in the form of letters from an explorer named Captain Walton (who is on a voyage in the North Pacific Ocean, hoping to discover unfound land) to his sister.A scientist named Victor Frankenstein originally wanted to create a human life form, because he was grieving from th e tragic and shocking death of his mother, who died from giving birth to Frankensteins younger brother William. However, whilst studying at a university in Ingolstadt, Germany Frankensteins reasons for creating life changed and he then wanted to create life to prove his teachers wrong (as they thought and believed that it would be impossible as well as insensitive/crude to create a human being.)Victor Frankensteins creation was constructed on A dreary night of November, where The rain pattered dismally against the panes and my candle was nearly burnt out. This gives the reader an image of a stormy rain drenched night with Frankenstein working alone in an enclosed laboratory where no one could see or hear him. It gives a feeling that is almost frightening and we now know that something horrific and tragic was about to happen. The feeling of euphoria that Frankenstein had envisaged about creating a human being was about to be shattered. He even describes it as a catastrophe. We know t hat Frankensteins original plan was to create human life, however once the monster had been created, this idea suddenly changed and the reality of this catastrophe struck Frankenstein,The beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. This shows that at the very beginning of the experiment, Frankenstein had a perfect image of what was about to be made, although because Frankenstein had not thought his plans through thoroughly, his dreams were shattered, and he describes his final creation as a Demon. This gives reference to the bible as it is a biblical term so Mary Shelley has constructed the narrative in order to; first portray the creation from Frankensteins perspective. This influences the readers perception of the creation, because the narrative is biased and the reader can only judge on Frankensteins point of view, therefore the creation appears as inhuman.Once the demon has been created, it runs away, because it is probably just as scared as Frankenstein. The doctor instantly assumes it will die, as it does not understand how to survive on its own. However, after the murder of Frankensteins younger brother William, he realises that he has underestimated the creation, and agrees to meet the in the Alps. It is here that the reader is offered the creations point of view. The says I expected this reception. This shows the reader that the demon is now thinking like a human and has human feelings; this portrays the monster as human. However, we have to remember that the creation has also murdered William and framed an innocent named Justine for the murder. Although this is morally wrong it is also human behaviour.The creation then goes on to explain how it developed and educated itself after running away from Ingolstadt. The reader now knows that the creation was born with human instincts which developed into knowledge and understanding of human nature. I had covered myself with some clothes I found a fireand was overcome wi th the warmth I experienced from it, this suggests that the creation was acting like a human being, fulfilling his human needs to survive.We later learn that the creations attitude changes my feelings are those of rage and revenge. I could with pleasure have destroyed the cottage and its inhabitants, and have glutted myself with their shrieks and misery. The creature describes his rage and then goes on to express his feelings by setting fire to the cottage in the woods and razing it to the ground. Furthermore, the monster seeks revenge on Frankenstein by murdering the doctors younger brother and framing it on Justine. This influences the readers opinion, because the reader realises that the creation has feelings, and he feels neglected by a family that he has begun to love. He blames Frankenstein for abandoning him and so, seeks revenge by performing horrific acts, and the creation now appears as inhuman and a monster, because he is no longer gentle and kind.The creation demands tha t Frankenstein makes him a female companion. He observed and learnt how much the family in the woods loved and cared for each other. He therefore feels unloved and rejected by everyone everyone when this same family also neglect him. The creation is full of contradictions here, he wants to love someone and be loved in return, by this the reader pities the creation, although we later learn that he murders the innocent and this cannot be accepted.At first, Frankenstein agrees to construct a companion, but then hoes back on his word. The monster then proceeds to murder Frankensteins wife and more than sister, Elizabeth. The doctor travels through the Alps searching for the demon, and on his travels he comes across Captain Waltons Ship, where he later dies. However, the monster also finds Captain Walton. The Captain is also shocked when the creation first approaches him; Wretch puts emphasis on how ugly and inhuman the monster must be.The creation attempts to justify his actions to Walt er in the final chapter:- The fallen angel becomes a malignant devil, this tells us that the creation was trying to be good by learning from other peoples actions, however when he was neglected by the family in the woods he felt like he had nobody to turn to for love and affection, and nobody taught him how to deal with his emotions, therefore he turns into a monster.Mary Shelley gives the creation a lot of human characteristics, therefore making him human. However, the creation has not learnt how to cope with his emotions, so he murders people to get revenge on Frankenstein; I think this makes the monster appear as mainly inhuman, because such actions cannot be justified and only a monster would take another persons life. The creation then claims that he will leave and kill himself so the whole situation can come to an end. Mary Shelley uses this ending, because it is dramatic and she wants it to end in a catastrophe, also maybe killing the monster is the only way that the story ca n end.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Appraisal Theory The Effects On Skin Psychology Essay

Appraisal Theory The Effects On Skin Psychology Essay This report aims to replicate a classic finding in biopsychology research which proposed, that increases in task difficulty lead to increases in arousal. As well as to present any individual differences that angle off from this, that possibly could be accounted by the appraisal theory. One hundred and two individuals took part in a task called Speedy Pizzas where they had to deliver successfully a vast quantity of pizzas as the level of difficulty increased. The individuals were represented with a total of 5 levels of difficulty, beginning from level 1 (10 pizzas per minute) to level 5 (50 pizzas per minute). This experiment used a repeated measures design where each individual participated at both levels of task difficulty. The outcome showed that there was a significant increase in GSR as task engagement got more challenging. Although, that the overall GSR test showed increase, individual differences might suggest otherwise. Introduction To begin with, this paper will first examin e some relevant background on the former literature on a classic biopsychology discoveries based on task performance and its association with increase in skin conductance in an attempt to replicate its findings. Afterwards, it will address some individual variations that might have a crucial role in that correlation. A number of researchers over the years have shown that task attainment of individuals is closely knit together with increase in skin conductance. For instance, Kahneman, Trusky et al. (1969 cited in Pecchinenda and Smith 1996) experiment, showed the relationship between skin resistance levels and mental arithmetic task at three layers of difficulty and encountered that skin resistance decreased as difficulty of each level increased. Nonetheless, this connection between them is often distinct, there are cases that the individuals disengage from the task by resigning which is shown in the form of decreasing responses in the GSR levels whilst the task engagement becomes pa rticularly difficult. This occurrence can be placed under the theory of the appraisal model proposed by Smith and Lazarus (1993 cited in Pecchinenda and Smith 1996) that suggested that the amount of each individual’s focusing resources is established by their appraisal of task-solving coping potential. The above theory has been adapted in various studies, one of them was measuring accomplishment in a demanding mental task. (Pecchinenda and Smith 1996) Pecchinenda and Smith’s study wanted to demonstrate the direct association between a cognitive task engagement and the appraisal of each individuals coping potential. Thus, subjects were presented by series of anagrams, that they were called to solve, in various circumstances whilst their GSR was continuously observed. The level of difficulty diverse between each anagram by either having an easy, moderately difficult and extremely difficult anagram as well as the amount of time available that participants had to solve it changed between 30 sec and 120 sec. Results showed that participants coping potential varied between them, since the perception that each subject experienced the situation was different. Paradigm, when an individual appraised their task-solving ability with having a high coping potential approached the task with the attempt to achieve their goal and successfully complete the task. On the contrary, people who appraised the situation as overwhelming and the â€Å"task as virtually impossible† (Pecchinenda and Smith, page 486) had low coping potential and therefore disengaged from the task. Hence, apposite to the skin conductance activity there was a general increase in the GSR levels when the task-solving trials were aligned with the participants’ engagement in the trials. However, this increase dropped dramatically when the anagrams level of difficulty was extremely demanding as a result of the paltry levels of task engagement. An interesting feature about this study th at shouldn’t be obscured was that the correlation between skin conductance activity and task engagement is not absolute. There are other aspects that might intrude and mislead this association. As in that the correlation between GSR and other components such as stress, perception of the circumstance, negative feelings etc resulted as having an impact on the GSR, Nikula (1991 cited in Pecchinenda and Smith 1996). Another related experiment was conducted by Bohlin (1976). Bohlin’s study manipulated the levels of arousal by having participants to response after a number of trials whilst they were in physiological habituation state. She divided the subjects into three groups, the first group were told to relax when listening to a tone, the second one were given arithmetic tasks to solve and the third one a threat of shock was added to the task performance. Results showed that the Shock-threat group had the highest mean in conductance level and the Relax group had the lowes t mean in GSR. Thus, this produces some evidence showing how  increases in task difficulty result in various increases in physiological arousal.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Tempest for Shakespeare Act I Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

The Tempest for Shakespeare Act I - Assignment Example The ship in the tempest set assails to the highland from effects of the storm and safely lands with members on board. Miranda, an occupant of the island, portrays a sympathetic human heart and provides consolation to the crews who have had their share of trouble. However, the good faith portrayal by Miranda in the eyes of Prospero is a safe arrival of former enemies. Miranda was morally right about taking care of the crewmembers especially after the ordeal. Prospero brought her up to speed about their past and how they ended up in the island upon being send away by his brother Antonio whose accomplice was the King. Prospero regarded this to be a chance granted by nature to take up revenge, and he possibly begun serving it cold for the King, Antonio and the prince. It events surrounding Miranda’s moral action, are the devil in detail, and the person ensure with providing a home savors in it

A business plan for La Italia Ristorante italian restaurant Essay

A business plan for La Italia Ristorante italian restaurant - Essay Example CURRENT SALE MIX 8 III. MARKET AND COMPETITION 8 A. DESCRIPTION OF CUSTOMER 8 B. CUSTOMER OCCASSIONS, NEEDS AND BENEFITS 9 C. MARKET SEGMENTS 9 D. MARKET SIZE IN THE AREA 10 E. LOCATION OF CUSTOMER AND FLOWS 10 F. MARKET PROJECTS OVER THE PERIOD 10 G. COMPETITIONS 10 IV. COMPETITIVE BUSINESS STRATEGY 12 A. PRICING POLICY 12 B. PROMOTIONAL PLANS 12 V. FORECAST AND RESULTS 16 A. OPERATIONAL BUDGETS 16 B. BUSINESS OBJECTIVES AND ACTION PLANS 19 VI. CONCLUSION 19 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Passion for authentic Italian food is what prompted the management team to conceptualize La Italia Ristorante, the newest Italian full service restaurant located at the Edgware Station in London. Geared towards providing the target market with only the best when it comes to Italian cuisine, La Italia Ristorante’s operations will be focused on providing good food, served by an excellent team, within a restaurant that offers the perfect ambiance for fine dining. The crew will work towards making a mark among its customers by offering a unique type of service the ‘La Italia Ristorante’ way. As a start-up business, it recognizes the challenges that the team faces, first of which is the presence of many competitors within the area, and in the whole of London. The company has to have a way to get a chunk of the market share, develop loyal customers and achieve its business objectives. Financing will come mainly from personal savings, to be supported by a bank loan, which management sees to close within five years from start of operations, to do this, financial strategies focusing on cash flow and inventory management shall be implemented. Marketing and promotions will enjoy a huge chunk of the budget since management also sees the need and importance of a good promotional and marketing campaign. Other factors that management will employ are: effective human resources management and operations focusing on fulfilling the needs of the customers – looking at cost effic ient ways to operate without sacrificing product and service quality. II. THE BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT A. HISTORY AND OVERVIEW OF PROGRESS TO DATE La Italia Ristorante is a full service Italian restaurant offering lunch, dinner and snacks from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Midnight, seven days a week. It is located at the Edgware Station, competing along the likes of II Mascalzone and Amaretto Pizza Restaurant. The restaurant sits 80 guests, with its 20 table sets. La Italia Ristorante has a designated non-smoking and smoking area, which are the restaurant interior and main hall, and the veranda area respectively. The company also accepts delivery service within London’s vicinity in two ways: one is through phone and the other, through their website. It implements a guaranteed 45-minute delivery time, and as a challenge, it offers 100% rebate for all those who waited for more than 45 minutes for the pizza and pasta deliveries. The food business offers cash and credit card payments. Food d elivery is available from 10:00 in the morning, to 10:00 in the evening. All food products are guaranteed fresh and cooked only upon receipt of order. The decision to establish an independent restaurant springs forth from the fact management wants to be able to offer a unique experience, set apart from those quick service establishments. They also would like to maximize the fact the clients have an inclination to support local independent restaurants (Independent Restaurant Appeal – unique menus and local atmosphere could lure patrons away from chains, reports Mintel 2011) B. CURRENT MISSION La Italia’s mission is to be the preferred dine in Italian Restaurant within the vicinity, and the most chosen in terms on delivery service. C. OBJECTIVES AND ACTIONS NEEDED A start-up company, it plans

Critical examination of exchange rate changes on the financial Essay

Critical examination of exchange rate changes on the financial performance of Honda Motors - Essay Example Having clearly outlined the risk management framework for Honda as its financial strength pillar, it is important to highlight the limitations in achieving results with such policy initiatives. According to Guay and Kothari, there is a huge â€Å"difference† between the amount of money that a firm wants to hedge with derivatives, and the amount that it actually succeeds in hedging. In previous section, we discussed the relative importance of different hedging options for Honda’s case. But, it is not an easy route as it is fraught with some practical limitations, which we shall study on an individual case by case basis. 1. Continuing with financial instruments as primary safeguards: Three major problems with financial instruments are inconsistency, asymmetry and indeterminacy. Inconsistency refers to the wide gaps in hedging schemes with a complicated web which can make auditing a difficult task. Asymmetry refers to the unreliable nature of the entries itself, and indete rminacy refers to the probability of fraudulent data entry. If these problems with financial instruments are not sorted out in the beginning itself, it could lead to a colossal financial disaster, the likes of Nick Leeson.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Self-Disclosure Gender and Communication Assignment

Self-Disclosure Gender and Communication - Assignment Example Without self-disclosure in a relationship is not the key to a happy marriage because the people involved do not get to know each other from a personal perspective. She supports her arguments using evidence from other research studies such as the one conducted by a research scientist from the Institute for Social Research at Michigan University. Well, there are views that I support in her argument, but I do not agree with other statements. For example, at the beginning of the article Schoenberg (2011) says that based on the data obtained from a scientist who studied 373 married couples, a two-hour conversation may at times entail topics that are not of value. I disagree with the results obtained from this study because of two reasons. These are results that only present a section of the world’s couple population. Furthermore, it is my view that couples are very different and it is not all the couples who are in a position to have self-disclosure. Additionally, I think that by t he time a couple is 20 or more years old, they are likely to have developed a way to communicate with each other even if they at times sit together and focus on topics that are not promoting self-disclosure. Though that is the point that I do not readily agree with about Schoenberg’s article, she still manages to convince me that self-disclosure makes a partner feel loved, special and cared for, by the other partner. It is also true that men favor gestures and women favor verbal affirmations from their partners. As a person in a relationship, I support this view because I noted that my partner is always in a happy mood after she discloses to me about her fears, goals, and values. In my experience, I also feel more appreciated when she surprises me with my favorite food or movies among other things. These are gender differences and I agree with Schoenberg (2011) because, in chapter 2 of Beebe, Beebe, Remond and Geerinsk’s (2010) book, we learn that the masculine gender high interactive.

Individual project 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Individual project 3 - Essay Example The total nonfarm payroll increased by 115, 000. There was an increase in the health care industry, warehousing and the transportation industry. In the year 2011, there was a total employment of 17.8 people with disability. In total, the unemployment rate for persons with disability was 16 percent. In household survey data, the total unemployment rate decreased by 0.3 percent. Among the major employee groups, the total employment rate for the total adult men was 7.3 percent, the adult women were 7 percent, and for the whites was 7 percent (U. S dept of Labor and Stat 2012). In demographic trends, the population of the US doubled in the year 1950 to 2000. The labor force has been continually growing up to 200 million currently. The wages paid to the workers have continually grown due to the changes in population. The increase and growth in labor force has been largely contributed by the increase in women labor force and the increase in population. The labor force has been increasing by 2.6 percent each and every year. It has been projected that there will be a slower growth rate in the labor force in the next 50 years by 0.6 per year. However, USA is better placed than other countries for example countries in East Asia and some parts of Europe. Those countries are continually facing shrinking workforce (Andrew 2009). According to CNNMoney . com, immigrants in the USA have gained thousands and thousands of jobs since the great Recession. However, thousands and thousands f US born workers lost millions and millions. According to Pew Research Center, US native born workers lost more than 1.3 million jobs in 2008 and 2009. Thus, the unemployment rate for the native born was higher as compared to the immigrants. The unemployment for the immigrants was 8.7 percent while that of the native born was 9.7 percent (Whohlers 2012). In Religion statistics, the major religion is the Christians who are

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Critical examination of exchange rate changes on the financial Essay

Critical examination of exchange rate changes on the financial performance of Honda Motors - Essay Example Having clearly outlined the risk management framework for Honda as its financial strength pillar, it is important to highlight the limitations in achieving results with such policy initiatives. According to Guay and Kothari, there is a huge â€Å"difference† between the amount of money that a firm wants to hedge with derivatives, and the amount that it actually succeeds in hedging. In previous section, we discussed the relative importance of different hedging options for Honda’s case. But, it is not an easy route as it is fraught with some practical limitations, which we shall study on an individual case by case basis. 1. Continuing with financial instruments as primary safeguards: Three major problems with financial instruments are inconsistency, asymmetry and indeterminacy. Inconsistency refers to the wide gaps in hedging schemes with a complicated web which can make auditing a difficult task. Asymmetry refers to the unreliable nature of the entries itself, and indete rminacy refers to the probability of fraudulent data entry. If these problems with financial instruments are not sorted out in the beginning itself, it could lead to a colossal financial disaster, the likes of Nick Leeson.

Individual project 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Individual project 3 - Essay Example The total nonfarm payroll increased by 115, 000. There was an increase in the health care industry, warehousing and the transportation industry. In the year 2011, there was a total employment of 17.8 people with disability. In total, the unemployment rate for persons with disability was 16 percent. In household survey data, the total unemployment rate decreased by 0.3 percent. Among the major employee groups, the total employment rate for the total adult men was 7.3 percent, the adult women were 7 percent, and for the whites was 7 percent (U. S dept of Labor and Stat 2012). In demographic trends, the population of the US doubled in the year 1950 to 2000. The labor force has been continually growing up to 200 million currently. The wages paid to the workers have continually grown due to the changes in population. The increase and growth in labor force has been largely contributed by the increase in women labor force and the increase in population. The labor force has been increasing by 2.6 percent each and every year. It has been projected that there will be a slower growth rate in the labor force in the next 50 years by 0.6 per year. However, USA is better placed than other countries for example countries in East Asia and some parts of Europe. Those countries are continually facing shrinking workforce (Andrew 2009). According to CNNMoney . com, immigrants in the USA have gained thousands and thousands of jobs since the great Recession. However, thousands and thousands f US born workers lost millions and millions. According to Pew Research Center, US native born workers lost more than 1.3 million jobs in 2008 and 2009. Thus, the unemployment rate for the native born was higher as compared to the immigrants. The unemployment for the immigrants was 8.7 percent while that of the native born was 9.7 percent (Whohlers 2012). In Religion statistics, the major religion is the Christians who are