Thursday, October 17, 2019

Self-Disclosure Gender and Communication Assignment

Self-Disclosure Gender and Communication - Assignment Example Without self-disclosure in a relationship is not the key to a happy marriage because the people involved do not get to know each other from a personal perspective. She supports her arguments using evidence from other research studies such as the one conducted by a research scientist from the Institute for Social Research at Michigan University. Well, there are views that I support in her argument, but I do not agree with other statements. For example, at the beginning of the article Schoenberg (2011) says that based on the data obtained from a scientist who studied 373 married couples, a two-hour conversation may at times entail topics that are not of value. I disagree with the results obtained from this study because of two reasons. These are results that only present a section of the world’s couple population. Furthermore, it is my view that couples are very different and it is not all the couples who are in a position to have self-disclosure. Additionally, I think that by t he time a couple is 20 or more years old, they are likely to have developed a way to communicate with each other even if they at times sit together and focus on topics that are not promoting self-disclosure. Though that is the point that I do not readily agree with about Schoenberg’s article, she still manages to convince me that self-disclosure makes a partner feel loved, special and cared for, by the other partner. It is also true that men favor gestures and women favor verbal affirmations from their partners. As a person in a relationship, I support this view because I noted that my partner is always in a happy mood after she discloses to me about her fears, goals, and values. In my experience, I also feel more appreciated when she surprises me with my favorite food or movies among other things. These are gender differences and I agree with Schoenberg (2011) because, in chapter 2 of Beebe, Beebe, Remond and Geerinsk’s (2010) book, we learn that the masculine gender high interactive.

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