Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Individual project 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Individual project 3 - Essay Example The total nonfarm payroll increased by 115, 000. There was an increase in the health care industry, warehousing and the transportation industry. In the year 2011, there was a total employment of 17.8 people with disability. In total, the unemployment rate for persons with disability was 16 percent. In household survey data, the total unemployment rate decreased by 0.3 percent. Among the major employee groups, the total employment rate for the total adult men was 7.3 percent, the adult women were 7 percent, and for the whites was 7 percent (U. S dept of Labor and Stat 2012). In demographic trends, the population of the US doubled in the year 1950 to 2000. The labor force has been continually growing up to 200 million currently. The wages paid to the workers have continually grown due to the changes in population. The increase and growth in labor force has been largely contributed by the increase in women labor force and the increase in population. The labor force has been increasing by 2.6 percent each and every year. It has been projected that there will be a slower growth rate in the labor force in the next 50 years by 0.6 per year. However, USA is better placed than other countries for example countries in East Asia and some parts of Europe. Those countries are continually facing shrinking workforce (Andrew 2009). According to CNNMoney . com, immigrants in the USA have gained thousands and thousands of jobs since the great Recession. However, thousands and thousands f US born workers lost millions and millions. According to Pew Research Center, US native born workers lost more than 1.3 million jobs in 2008 and 2009. Thus, the unemployment rate for the native born was higher as compared to the immigrants. The unemployment for the immigrants was 8.7 percent while that of the native born was 9.7 percent (Whohlers 2012). In Religion statistics, the major religion is the Christians who are

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